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Meeting Held to Study and Supervise Trial and Enforcement Works Completed in the First Half of 2020
  Updated:2020-07-01 16:13:27 print size: big | general | small

On 19 June, Haikou Maritime Court held a meeting to study and supervise the court’s trial and enforcement works completed in the first half of 2020. At the meeting, the court studied the trial and enforcement works completed since the start of the year, analyzed existing problems, assigned mid-year case-handling tasks, and made arrangements for the future. The meeting was presided by Xu Yahui, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and president of Haikou Maritime Court. Participants included the leadership, division heads, and all judges of the court.

At the meeting, the research office gave a report on the trial and enforcement works accomplished by Haikou Maritime Court by 18 June. Heads of the three divisions with the lowest case conclusion rates respectively made a statement of their positions, and the leaders of the court gave directions and made deployments with respect to works under their supervision.

It was pointed out that division heads should put more efforts in management and supervision, make a thorough review of their respective works, and rectify any problems found. In particular, the following requirements were made as regards trial and enforcement works at the next stage:

I. To improve understanding, raise standards, and firmly undertake missions and responsibilities.

The establishment of the free trade port presented more opportunities for maritime trials. At a new beginning for a new journey, maritime courts should look at the big picture and adopt new ways of thinking. Judges should have increasing capacity for strategical thinking and awareness of elite maritime trials, as well as growing confidence and a sense of pride. Moving into the new trial building laid a solid foundation for the development of maritime trials. In this new environment and new climate, the court must present better state of work and performance, earnestly shoulder the responsibilities of establishing the free trade port, and strive to be a top-ranking court.

II. To carry out “Summer Storm” actions and focus on the most important tasks in trial and enforcement works.

To achieve the mid-year case-handling goals, all divisions should hold common beliefs, take active actions, work hard with enthusiasm, and carry out “Summer Storm” actions in relation to trial and enforcement. Real dedication and commitment were needed to achieve actual results in each case. Cases should be handled at a faster pace with progress monitored, and concluded at a balanced ratio. Case concluded in the first half of the year would be taken into consideration in the year-round assessment, so as to ensure the completement of case conclusion tasks for the half of the year.

III. To stay on a unified footing and carry forward works as a whole.

All divisions should think in the big picture of the establishment of the free trade port and work as a whole for big achievements. As regards case handling, all divisions should cooperate and coordinate, keeping dynamic management of staff and achieving a balanced dynamic of case conclusion.

IV. To raise awareness of innovations and accelerate the building of a smart court.

It was important to improve trial affairs management and data application. Prompt measures should be taken to deal with problems found, and problems should be identified and warnings given in a timely manner. Efforts should be made to identify new types of cases as well as complicated and difficult cases. Judge salons and similar events should be held to allow all judges the opportunity to discuss and analyze cases and contribute to the collective wisdom. Information technology should be fully utilized to meticulously manage trials and to identify and fill gaps.

V. To raise comprehensive awareness of safety and enhance capacity for risk prevention and control.

Faced with new challenges posed by the current pandemic, all divisions should work with increased vigilance, and continue to test for and contain risks of outbreaks under the leadership of the pandemic prevention and control leader group. In addition to taking proper approaches and staying alert, we should also maintain fairness, justice and compliance with law, so as to deal with any problem in a sensible and calm manner. Integrity should be preserved both in terms of thinking and actions.
