On 12 July 2019, Haikou Maritime Court held a meeting in its Yangpu Division to discuss the participation of people’s courts in grassroots social governance. Leaders from seven people’s courts, i.e. Yangpu, Zhanzhou, Chengmai, Dongfang, Changjiang, Lingao and Ledong, as well as heads of some divisions were invited to the meeting.
The meeting was presided over by Zhong Aiping, standing member of the Judicial Committee of Haikou Maritime Court. She welcomed and thanked the participants, and pointed out that grassroots social governance was a complicated social project that concerned the people’s happiness and livelihood and required the common efforts and contribution made by the Party and the whole society. The functions of courts determined their roles and positions in social governance, whereas people’s courts were in the frontline of court work. They were a bridge between courts and the people, and they directly participated in grassroots social governance. The purpose of the meeting was to share experience and practices of people’s courts in participating in grassroots social governance, and to better target their work and improve its effectiveness.
At the meeting, the participants had in-depth discussions about the experience and practices of people’s courts in participating in grassroots social governance. It was agreed that people’s courts participated in grassroots social governance mainly by the following means: first, focusing on their own competencies, improving skills at communicating with litigants, and enhancing court hearing abilities in order to fully protect the lawful rights and interests of litigants; second, cooperating with local governments and competent authorities to build a network for the convenience of the people and set up a platform of integrated means of dispute resolution; third, shifting the focus of work to the frontline, making more efforts at reconciliation before trial, and resolving conflicts when they were just emerging; fourth, cases concerning people’s livelihood should be entertained, trial and concluded in an efficient manner in order to promptly resolve disputes; fifth, setting up circuit courts to extend the reach of trial functions; sixth, exploring an “internet ” integrated dispute resolution mechanism to facilitate litigation; seventh, working harder for the promotion of the rule of law by organizing regular promotional campaigns in villages and campuses.
An unveiling ceremony was also performed for the launching of the office building of Yangpu Division of Haikou Maritime Court.