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Reporting Our Achievements in Basic Resolution of Difficulties in Enforcement
  Updated:2019-10-17 19:42:34 print size: big | general | small

On 27 August 2018, a delegation of Haikou Maritime Court reported the court’s achievements in basic resolution of difficulties in enforcement to the Standing Committee of Haikou Municipal People's Congress. Among the delegation were Chen Xiangzhi, member of the Leading Party Members' Group and vice president of the court, and Chen Ming, head of the Enforcement Bureau. The report was received by officials including Jie Xiaoqiang, member of the Leading Party Members' Group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of Haikou Municipal People's Congress, and Gu Xiaoyi, deputy director of its Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee.

At the report, Chen Xiangzhi introduced the background in which courts across the country took actions to basically resolve difficulties in enforcement, the “Four Basic” work goals, and core indexes for third-party assessments. He also reported on the main measures taken, major achievements made and problems encountered by maritime courts in their efforts to basically resolve difficulties in enforcement.

Since 2016, Haikou Maritime Court has taken various solid measures to tackle difficulties in enforcement. Enforcement procedures have been significantly regulated, and preliminary achievements have been made. First, a system is put in place to facilitate cooperation with maritime safety administration and other authorities, enabling a smooth seamless process of notice, coordination and arrest of vessels within 24 hours; to constantly join forces to facilitate enforcement, the media, financial institutions and other platforms are mobilized to further expose and punish judgment debtors who default on their obligations. Second, cases are handled in smarter ways. AIS vessel tracking is used to accurately locate, track in real time and efficiently arrest vessels under enforcement; we have independently developed an assessment system and achieved 100% online auction rate for objects meeting online auction conditions, greatly improving the enforcement efficiency. Third, work has been carried out with clear focuses. We have taken a series of “Summer Storm” actions to facilitate enforcement, such as “collective enforcement of cases concerning people’s livelihood”, “three core indexes clear-up”, “re-entry of information in the enforcement system”, and successful enforced and concluded a batch of “hard nut” cases. Fourth, measures have been taken to carry through the joint deployment among courts of the province to basically resolve difficulties in enforcement. Trial and enforcement officers of the court have studied enforcement procedures and relevant regulations. Collective efforts have been made to manage, regulate and supervise enforcement cases and complete enforcement tasks assigned by the court and the Higher People’s Court of the province.

From 2016 to July 2018, there have been 1642 old and new cases entertained by Haikou Maritime Court. 1338 of these have been concluded, making a conclusion rate of 81.49% and the sum of enforced obligations is CNY 1138.192 million. The actual enforcement and conclusion rate is 52.16%; of cases in which assets are available for enforcement, 95.53% have been actually enforced and concluded within the legal deadlines; 90.05% of cases have been concluded within the legal deadlines, and 21.59% of cases have been suspended from enforcement; of enforcement cases involving petitions, 100% have been handled and concluded.

Chen Xiangzhi pointed out some problems and weaknesses in the enforcement work, such as insufficient initiative to seek support from the Party Committee, the People’s Congress, the government and the CPPCC, room to improve as regards enforcement officers’ competency, improvements to be made to the enforcement information system, insufficient application of joint punishment measures, and difficulties in dispatching the enforcement police force. Haikou Maritime Court would strictly follow the leadership of the Party Committee and supervision of the People’s Congress, and provide strong support for basic resolution of difficulties in enforcement. We would raise our political awareness and make more efforts in party building as a support; enforcement practices would be better regulated, and efficiency enhanced; corrective measures would be taken against objectives, and good preparations would be made for third-party assessments; better communication with competent authorities would be maintained to implement and facilitate the cooperative and punishment mechanisms; stronger preventive measures, control and accountability would be taken against risks of corruption in enforcement practices; no efforts would be spared in raising the conclusion rate of newly entertained cases, ensuring the achievement of all conclusion indexes by the end of the year, and winning this tough battle for basic resolution of difficulties in enforcement.

After listening to the report, Jie Xiaoqiang recognized the achievements made by Haikou Maritime Court in its enforcement work in recent years, and praised the court for setting clear goals, making unprecedented efforts and results, and making contributions in support of Hainan’s overall development and the maintenance of judicial authority. He would further urge work committees and representatives of the People’s Congress to witness and learn from Haikou Maritime Court’s trial and enforcement work, and would provide more support and supervision. He would follow through and urge relevant party and political organizations to fulfil their obligations set out in effective judgments.

As regards difficulties and problems confronted in enforcement, Jie Xiaoqiang proposed better promotion of enforcement by selecting and publicizing typical elite enforcement cases, while seeking support from the Party Committee, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and other authorities. Observing applicable provisions of the Decision of the Standing Committee of Haikou Municipal People's Congress on Further Strengthening Enforcement by People’s Courts, efforts should be made to facilitate a cooperative system for joint forces in enforcement, and to carry through the campaign to fully resolve difficulties in enforcement.
