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Our Work Related to State Compensation Recognized by the Supreme Court
  Updated:2019-10-17 19:40:52 print size: big | general | small

In recent days, the fourth review team of the Office of the Compensation Committee of the Supreme People’s Court held a meeting in the Higher People’s Court of the province to review state compensation cases entertained and judicial aid provided by courts across the country.

At the meeting, Pi Xiuyan, standing member of the adjudication committee of the Higher People’s Court of the province, made a report on Hainan Courts’ work in relation to state compensation and judicial aid from 2015 to 2017. After listening to the report, the review team gave feedback on Hainan Courts’ work in relation to state compensation and judicial aid. The participants discussed and shared thoughts about the difficulties, questions and new types of cases they encountered in handing state compensation and judicial aid cases.

The delegation of Haikou Maritime Court outlined the court’s work in statement compensation and judicial aid to the review team, and asked for advice on problems the court encountered in its relevant work.

Jia Li, leader of the review team, fully recognized Haikou Maritime Court’s proactive attitude, persistent reconciliation efforts, and experience and practices in settling conflicts when handling state compensation cases. Haikou Maritime Court put forward a question about how to initiate recovery in small claims enforcement cases in which after the enforcement applicants had obtained judicial aid, waived other claims and agreed to the suspension of the enforcement, it was found that the judgment debtors had assets available for enforcement. Jia Li considered the question quite valuable and it was necessary to come up with good resolution

Haikou Maritime Court and the Higher People’s Court of the province both referred to the difficulties and complexity encountered by Haikou Maritime Court in the case of state compensation application made by two individuals, Liu and Xu, as well as the relevant understanding of some clauses in the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning Online Judicial Sale by People's Courts (the Higher People’s Court of the province had included the case in the self-review report as a difficult issue). Jia Li recognized Haikou Maritime Court’s thinking about negotiating with the litigants for a settlement, and indicated that as it was a new, difficult and complex issue, reply would be given after some research and study.
