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Phased Achievements in Our Efforts to Basically Solve Difficulties in Enforcement
  Updated:2019-10-17 02:59:48 print size: big | general | small

Since 2018, Haikou Maritime Court has made collective efforts to gradually and basically solve difficulties in enforcement, and has made phased achievements. Our efforts have been according to the specific requirements made by the higher people’s court of the province, which are “solid efforts, clear focuses, effective control, and orderly progress”. We have also taken three perspectives, which are the satisfaction of litigants, enforcement environment for judges, and trend of statistic indexes.

I. Drawing schedules and charts, making overall arrangements and setting up a cooperative and progressive working framework.

We have made overarching plans which place the resolution of difficulties in enforcement as priority on the agenda of the Leading Party Members' Group. We have drawn up schedules and action charts, and held weekly meetings to gather reports on enforcement works and monthly meetings to promote the basic resolution of difficulties in enforcement. We have promptly taken ten specific measure as well as eight specific systems and plans to effectively tackle difficulties and problems we encounter in enforcement practices. These measures have created a good environment for collective efforts to facilitate enforcement.

To ensure firmer leadership, our secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and president have participated as general party members in activities held by the party branch of the Enforcement Bureau, and strengthened the party branch organization of the Enforcement Bureau. They have paid close attention to problems in practices and provided guidance and help for their resolution. This helps to facilitate enforcement works.

To provide examples and guidance, our court leadership, director of Enforcement Bureau, and heads of dispatched tribunals have all taken up front line works in enforcement practices, and shown the initiate to shoulder responsibilities for handling major, difficult and complicated cases. It works as motivation for handling cases in an effective and efficient fashion. By 6 June, in our efforts to basically solve difficulties in enforcement, the presidents and division heads of the court have handled 199 first-time enforcement cases, which account for 23.25% of all first-time enforcement cases handled by the court.

II. Working according to plans and making steady progress.

Focusing on third-party assessment systems, we have made clear goals and tasks in combating difficulties in enforcement. Our practical efforts have significantly improved the main indexes.

In 2017, the enforcement object acquisition rate, actual conclusion rate, percentage of cases with over 50% acquisition rate, and percentage of completed cases with assets available for enforcement have respectively raised by 18.37%, 23.13%, 34.86% and 38.24% compared to 2016, while the enforcement suspension rate has dropped by 8.53 folds.

To make gradual breakthrough on a case-by-case basis, we have conducted a series of special campaigns such as “collective enforcement of cases concerning people’s livelihood”, “clear-up of old unsolved enforcement cases”, and “summer storm action”.

By 6 June, in our efforts to basically solve difficulties in enforcement, we have gone through 5,034 enforcement cases entertained since the founding of the court and sorted out all suspension cases; we have handled 188 cases concerning people’s livelihood and concluded 183 of them, making a conclusion rate of 97.34%; we have handled and concluded all 18 cases in which enforcement lasted for over one year. These have laid a good foundation for basic resolution of difficulties in enforcement.

III. Reviewing against plans, overcoming weaknesses, and implementing multiple enforcement measures.

1. Optimizing enforcement personnel. Since late March, we have made two complements to our enforcement force and transferred in seven permanent officers.

At the moment, we have 14 permanent enforcement officers, accounting for 18.66% of all permanent staff of the court; four dedicated enforcement teams have been set up surrounding judges in the posts, creating a new streamlined management model. Enforcement practices are now based on team efforts and central management, which further improves the quality and efficiency of enforcement works.

2. Setting up and perfecting the judicial police force for enforcement. We have called in three judicial policemen to reside in the Enforcement Bureau and participate in enforcement works. This has visibly increased the intimidation of enforcement.

3. Maintaining firmer management of enforcement deadlines. We have established various accounts to manage deadlines and identify cases with abnormal duration of enforcement, such as “assessment and auction transfer register”, and “offline inquiry and control duration register”. Managing presidents and head of the Enforcement Bureau have supervised the handling of cases in which enforcement are not completed within three months, as well as other key cases and matters. They have randomly examined files and listened to the reports from case handlers. With these efforts, the rate of cases concluded within enforcement deadlines has reached 100%.

4. Actively promoting online judicial auction. We have developed a judicial assessment system and integrated it with online auction information systems. This provides comprehensive functions including self-service selection of assessment agencies, assessment viewing, and auctions. It has effectively improved the efficiency and transparency of entrusted assessment and judicial auctions.

Ever since we launched on Taobao judicial auction platform, we have put up 85 items, of which 41 have been auctioned off, making a transaction rate of 48.2% and an amount of CNY 170 million. The highest transaction price is CNY 90.26 million, and the highest premium rate is 232%.
