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Court Police Officer Invited to Give Training in China Coast Guard Bureau, Nanhai Branch
  Updated:2019-10-14 22:16:20 print size: big | general | small

On 9 December 2016, Lu Jianhua, a police officer of our court, gave training in rights protection and law enforcement practices in Nanhai Branch of China Coast Guard Bureau. He lectured about legal knowledge in relation to maritime law enforcement procedures and evidence collection.

Based on his personal experience in hearing and achievements in relevant research, Lu Jianhua pointed out problems and matters for attention in the practices of maritime rights protection and law enforcement: first, the exclusive jurisdiction over maritime cases; second, the extent of Chinese maritime jurisdiction; third, basic requirements and administrative penalty procedures for maritime rights protection and law enforcement, and; fourth, how to abide by law and avoid risks of administrative liability. He referred to administrative hearings conducted by our court as examples to illustrate the law. The lecture was alive with positive interactions and achieved good results.

The leadership of Nanhai Bureau of China Coast Guard Bureau warmly thanked him for the lecture. They considered that a training like this given by a court police officer not only was beneficial for cooperation, but also instructed frontline policemen in their duties to carry out maritime rights protection and law enforcement practices. They further expressed their wish to have more exchanges with maritime courts and to cooperate with maritime courts in preservation and enforcement.
