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First Judge Meeting about Difficult Cases
  Updated:2019-10-13 21:29:18 print size: big | general | small

On the afternoon of 25 April 2016, we held our first judge meeting after the judicial reform.

Following our procedure for judge meetings, the meeting was chaired by Hu Chunni, presiding judge and associate chief judge. The meeting focused on the handling of effective judgments rendered by local courts in breach of exclusive jurisdiction in the procedures for registering creditors’ rights and repayment of debt. It was a typical issue and often encountered in our hearing and enforcement practices. There were no established standards accepted by maritime courts across the country. Solution to this issue would contribute significantly to clarifying the jurisdiction of maritime courts and specifying procedures for registering maritime claims and repayment of debt. At the meeting, the presiding judge first briefly introduced basic information about the cases and points for discussion. She also elaborated two different solutions currently adopted by our sister maritime courts, and put forward a proposal. Participants then explored legal provisions in connection with the case details and shared their views from different perspectives. These thoughts inspired the presiding judge, and the meeting achieved good results.
